Thursday, November 13, 2008

The Truth Will Out

Remember the ridiculous reports of a McCain "adviser" supposedly in the know about Governor Sarah Palin's purported knowledge gaps? The MSM seized on that report as convincing evidence to bolster their hysteria that Palin was totally unqualified (and — horror! — unvetted).

Then you'll be interested to know the rest of that story ... here's a summary of the reality.

Anyone eager to applaud MSNBC's "fact-check" department? No, I didn't think so.

1 comment:

Andrew Biddinger said...

Hey Reneeo, This is Andrew Biddinger. I'm a member of the Back to the Constitution Coalition. Help us take America Back to the Constitution and back to the conservative values of Life, Liberty, Freedom, Faith, and Family. Visit: and the BTTC HQ at: