Thursday, May 15, 2008

"Negative Campaigning Tarnishes The Judiciary"

Media Advisory

"Ron Williams says that negative campaigning tarnishes the Judiciary"

Rogers, AR – This weekend democrats throughout the seven (7) counties that make up the 3rd District Court of Appeals received a mail piece from Courtney Henry that states Ron Williams is engaging in “partisan politics” and suggests that Ron’s tenure on the Court would be marked by “partisanship, activism or radicalism”. Ms. Henry goes on to highlight a quote from John Brummett which ties Ron to “a cabal of Hutchinsons and Holtists”. See attached mail piece.

Ron Williams has not engaged in partisan politics and to suggest that Ron would engage in partisanship, activism and radicalism from the bench is absurd. More importantly, Ron Williams rejects this type of negative politics in a judicial race because it tarnishes the judiciary.

Ron Williams has represented thousands of clients during his 33 year legal career and knows how important it is that the citizens respect the integrity and impartiality of the judges hearing their case. This is especially true when an individual is required to accept a negative ruling from the Court.

Negative campaigning in a judicial contest only gives citizens more reason to question the integrity and impartiality of the Courts.

In response to the negative mail piece, Ron Williams stated, “I have made a decision that nothing is worth tarnishing the very office I seek through the use of negative campaigning. When candidates for judicial office begin running their campaigns like typical politicians, judges will end up with the same approval ratings as typical politicians. We cannot afford to have our judiciary tarnished to such a degree.”

Ron went on to explain his thought process by saying, “If Ms. Henry wins this seat, I don’t want individuals before the Court of Appeals questioning her integrity and impartiality based on anything I might have said during the campaign. I hope Ms. Henry feels the same way.”


Anonymous said...


(3) A candidate for a judicial office:

(a) shall maintain the dignity appropriate to judicial office and act in a manner consistent with the integrity and independence of the judiciary, and shall encourage members of the candidate's family to adhere to the same standards of political conduct in support of the candidate as apply to the candidate;

Ron Williams is the only one who has maintained his dignity!

Anonymous said...

"My opponent is banking on dismal voter turnout in YOUR County"
~ Mr. Henry

It's more like she is afraid of "dismal voter turnout"! That is why she has been playing up the Benton County Republicans. The Democrats are united on getting Henry elected! The only ones divided are the Republicans!

Anonymous said...

Look at how her own words contradict herself! "I believe this undermines the 'non-partisan' mandate"

"We must turn out 'bipartisan' voters who agree with me that there is no room for 'partisanship', activism, or radicalism on the benches of OUR Arkansas Courts.

Non-partisan, bipartisan, partisan, and democrat I don't think she sees a difference!

Anonymous said...

Courtney Henry is a liberal running in a "non-partisan" race. Anyone who voted in the Democratic Presidential primary would have to be a liberal or a non-thinking yellow dog...Either of which Henry is, I do not care to have sitting on the bench determining outcomes of such high importance.
A vote for Hillary! or Obama means you are pro death for the unborn, for more gun control=more criminals, higher taxes, more government control, less property rights, more government regulation, more environmental controls, not drilling for our own oil, marriage for homosexuals, keeping God out of the public domain, etc.

A liberal is a liberal is a liberal.....I don't care who has been hoodwinked into helping her. Republican or Democrat they have to be liberal in order to support her or they have just been charmed by her twinkling blue eyes. She's a charmer no doubt, but then again so was Bill who wants to be the first, "First Lady's man'.

Ms Henry should be a conservative what with her having young children who might have to grow up under less desirable circumstances with less freedoms, the Democrat presidential candidate she voted for will impose upon this nation.

This race and position is just a stepping stone for Henry to use. Just as Hillary! And Obama just wanted to be a US Senator. What a shame we no longer have people who quietly live their commitments.

Anyone who don't think that Hillary has a further plan to use Ms. Henry for a further agenda if she is elected needs to think some more.

Anonymous said...

blah blah blah.

Anonymous said...

"blah, blah, blah?" You sound like a democrat! Nothing intelligent!